Class today 10/23/15

1st/2nd Period-Work quietly in the computer lab on Understanding Math or Cool Math.  You may listen to your music as long as you are working.

4th/5th/6th/7th Period-You will work on the worksheet.  Front and back, make sure that you show ALL of your work.  This means if you use a calculator too!!!  You may listen to your music quietly while you are working.  If you are not working, you will not be allowed to do so.

8th Period-You will be finishing your project today.  Make sure that you go back and check your grammar/spelling before you turn it in.


Please email me on Instagram if you have any questions.  I may not get back to you immediately but I WILL get back to you!!  🙂  PLEASE be on your best behavior.

Class October 22, 2015

While I am out today, I expect you all to be on your best behavior!!  🙂

1st/2nd Period-Go to the computer lab and work on Understanding Math or Cool Math

4th/5th/6th/7th-You will take your quiz.  Then watch the video again and write at least three sentences about what you have learned.  If you are not on task the sub will give you extra work to do.

8th Period– Please continue to work on your projects quietly.

Lesson Plans October 19-23

Monday-We will finish up Inequalities

Tuesday-Quiz over Inequalities

Wednesday-Students will start Rate of Change.  They will first use word problems to solve, then we will talk about what they will look like on the graph.  Students will have a punchline for homework.

Thursday-Students will continue Rate of Change.  They will now try to graph them themselves.  Students will have homework.

Friday-Rise up/Run out video…Student will learn why that will have to use rise over run instead of graphing.  We will watch the video and we will do an activity.  Students will have homework.


Inequality Videos

As you all know I will be out today.  Below are two videos to go along with the worksheet that the sub will pass out.  You will need to listen to it, not just copy what is going on.  When you get finished, please start the worksheet that you received in class yesterday.  It is NOT homework if you do not finish it.

Please be on your best behavior!!

Change in Lesson Plans

We have to decided to take a day to review for the quiz to make sure that students do not have any questions before we move on.  Two step equations are very vital for them to master.  If your student is struggling or needs extra help, please encourage them to come by and ask for help.  I am more than happy to help when I do not have a class or during their class.


Also PLEASE monitor your student’s skyward account and email me with any questions that you may have.  🙂

[email protected]